Elevate and highlight key features to users and drive feature adoption and discovery.
New Users from Fall
Acquisition Campaign
First App Open
Custom Message
New Users from Fall
Acquisition Campaign
First App Open
Custom Message
New Users from Fall
Acquisition Campaign
First App Open
Custom Message
Users who haven’t
clicked on key feature
X in over 5 days & today
is their first time visit
in > 12 days
When visit for the
first time in > 12
days & on the
2nd video view
On video viewing
Beacon Nudge
Users who are not
subscribed to loyalty
program & have
revisited site if they
have > 2
Upon 1st site
visit after cart
abandonment after
10 seconds on site
On homepage
Users who have
reserved restaurants
at least 5X
Upon first site
visit in > 30 days
On homepage
Mirror an app within the Hansel dashboard. In the dashboard, simply point and click where Display nudges will appear within the app. Position them relative to a feature or button with no code, in order to elevate that feature to the user.
Get instant access to Hansel Onboard today and start deploying Feature Adoption nudges to users in under an hour. No sales process required. Try Hansel Onboard and pay with a credit card only upon pushing to production.
Feature Adoption nudges are meant specifically to draw a user’s attention to feature sets and promotions and act as hard interventions in the existing native product experience. Ensure that these Feature Adoption nudges are targeted to a hyper-specific group of users and create relevant product experiences.
Personalize Display nudges by pulling in event or existing app variables into Templates, like names, location, device type and more. Hansel dynamically populates these event or app variables in each nudge, empowering personalization at scale.