Flatten out your retention curve by creating custom onboarding and activation campaigns with no code.
New Users from Fall
Acquisition Campaign
First App Open
Custom Message
All New Users on
After users complete
account creation
All New Users
After users complete
account creation
Homescreen, Account
Management page
All New Users on
iOS in the USA &
in France
All new users on
app open, prior to
posting 1st photo
Users who skip
product walkthrough
at point 3 & point 5
Upon clicking the
button “Skip”
Users who skip
product walkthrough
at point 3 & point 5
Upon clicking the
button “Skip”
Users who skip
product walkthrough
at point 3 & point 5
upon clicking the
button “Skip”
Position Display nudges within your app with simple point-and-click functionality that requires zero code. Place any Display nudges in absolute or relative positions within the app. Anchor Display nudges relative to a feature by “mirroring” your target app on the Hansel dashboard and clicking where you want the nudge to appear.
Customize, control, and curate the look and feel of Display nudges. Customize Display nudges within the nudges module for repeat use or customize individual nudges when you’re deploying them within the Journey Builder. (Display nudges default to the existing font on the app when the customization process occurs.)
Trigger additional Display nudges based on a user’s interaction with, or impression of, a specific nudge. Create alternate flows of Display nudges based on these interactions or impressions. In addition, trigger existing native flows found within the app. Choose whether to trigger additional Display nudges or Native Flows for each Display nudge.
Personalize Display nudges by pulling in event or existing app variables into Templates, like names, location, device type and more. Hansel dynamically populates these event or app variables in each nudge, empowering personalization at scale.